

王 進

來源:本站原創 作者:佚名 發布時間:2018年02月26日 閱讀: 字體:【】 【




Dai Ziyang, Wang Jin*, Ma Xiaojiang, et al. Laboratory and field evaluation of the phytotoxic activity of Sapindus mukorossi Gaertn pulp extract and identification of a phytotoxic substance[J]. Molecules, 2021, 26(5):1318. SCI

Zhang Yaoyao, Wang Jin*, Cao Xianshuang, et al. High-level production of linalool by engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae. harboring dual mevalonate pathways in mitochondria and cytoplasm [J]. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2020, 134:109462. SCI

Jiang Hao†, Wang Jin*†, Song Li, et al. Chemical composition of an insecticidal extract from Robinia pseudacacia L. seeds and it's efficacy against aphids in oilseed rape[J]. Crop Protection, 2018, 104:1-6. SCI

Li Song†, Jin Wang*†, Quan Gao, et al. Simultaneous determination of five azadirachtins in the seed and leaf extracts of Azadirachta indica by automated online solid-phase extraction coupled with LC-Q-TOF-MS[J]. Chemistry Central Journal, 2018,12:85 SCI

Wang Jin, Cao Xianshuang, Ferchaud Vanessa, et al. Variations in chemical fingerprints and major flavonoid contents from the leaves of thirty-one accessions of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. [J]. Biomedical Chromatography, 2016, 30(6):880-887. SCI

Jiang Hao†, Wang Jin*†, Song Li, et al. GC×GC-TOFMS analysis of essential oils composition from leaves, twigs and seeds of Cinnamomum camphora L. Presl and their insecticidal and repellent activities[J]. Molecules, 2016, 21(4): 423. SCI

Wang Jin, Cao Xianshuang, Qi Yadong*, et al. High-performance thin-layer chromatographic method for screening antioxidant compounds and discrimination of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. by principal component analysis [J]. JPC-Journal of Planar Chromatography-Modern TLC, 2015, 28(4):274-279. SCI

王進,曹先爽,宋麗,等. 吹掃捕集-熱脫附-氣相色譜-質譜聯用法分析不同產地香樟葉精油成分及抑菌活性比較[J]. 食品科學, 2017, 38(12):131-136. EI

馬曉江,王進*,湯鋒,等. 無患子總皂苷減壓提取工藝優化及其除草活性研究[J]. 林產化學與工業,2019, 39(01):108-114. CSCD

參編英文論著:Fei Benhua, Gao Zhimin, Wang Jin, et al. Biological, anatomical, and chemical characteristics of bamboo[M]// Yoon Soo Kim, Ryo Funada, and Adya P. Singh. Secondary xylem biology. Boston: Academic Press, 2016, 283-306.