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Seller shall T/T 70% down payment after contract signed, 20% payment will be paid against the shipping documents, 10% will be paid against the certificate of acceptance signed and sealed by the end user and the payment slip of performance bond paid by seller (10) US ncDOCUMENTS: VSe^\ NRUSnc: The Sellers shall present the following documents : a.hQWYSNvmQ]ňЏcUS,zzЏcUS,v^wpNe. Full set of Negotiable on Board Bills of Lading, airway bill of lading, and notifying the Buyers. b. cShyёv110%bONRiTbNivOiUSck,gToR,gT 1 N. Full Set included 1 original and 1 copy of Insurance Policy, covering Air Transportation 110% of invoice value against all risks and war risks c.Shy NN,lfT TS0U4YTЏ]wQ TyI{. Invoice in quintuplicate, indicating contract number 0shipping mark and the name of vessel, etc. d.ň{US NN,lfk0Q͑0:\xT@bň'iryvT Tpeϑ. Packing List in triplicate with indication of both gross and net weight, measurements and quantity of each item packed. e.1uVSe~{Sv(ϑTpeϑ/͑ϑffNT1N. Certificate of Quality and quantity/weight, each in 1 original, issued by the seller . f.1uVSeQwQvSN0Wf1N Certificate of origin for the contract goods issued by seller in 1 original. g. cgq,gT T,{11agĉ[v'irň9TzsSS~pNeňЏw OwoR,gNN. A true copy of fax to advise the Buyers of shipment immediately the goods are loaded on ship as specified in Clause 11 hereof. (11) ňЏw SHIPPING ADVICE: 'irhQňЏT,VSe^(WzsS\T TS0FUT Ty0peϑ0k͑0Shyё9 TT_*eg Ow~pNe, Y1uNVSe*gSe\ňЏw Ow~pNe,N'ir*gSeOi SuvNR_c1Y^1uVSeb. Y'ir|^\qSiT,VSe^\vQ'`(SYtRl Ow~pNe. Immediately the goods are completely loaded, the Sellers shall fax to notify the Buyers of the contract number, name of commodity, quantity, gross weight, invoiced value, name of the carrying vessel and the date of sailing .In case the goods are not insured in time owing to the Sellers having failed to give timely advice any and all consequent losses shall be borne by the Sellers. In case of dangerous goods, the Sellers shall fax to notify the Buyers. 'irňЏT2)YQ,d NňЏw OwoR,gY,VSe^SYQYTyUSncoR,gNWY, OwpNe. Within 2 days after shipment is effected, the Sellers shall prepare one sets, of the above-mentioned documents with the exception of the fax shipping advice, faxed to the Buyers. (12) (ϑOGUARANTEE OF QUALITY VSeO'|(u ]z6RbvhQeNT v^[hQ&{T,gT Tĉ[v(ϑ ĉD\^      ˾wwwi[OCOh OJQJ^JaJh OJQJ^JaJhd5>*OJQJ^Jo(huD5>*OJQJ^Jo(h 5>*OJQJ^J!h?5>*B*OJQJ^Jph$huDh CJ KHOJQJ^JaJ h 5OJQJ^Jh 5OJQJ^Jh;5OJQJ^Jo(huD5OJQJ^Jo(hNa5OJQJ^Jo(h 5CJOJQJ^Jh 5CJOJQJ^J2   , > P VDWD ]^` ]^ J]J^UDVD]^`gduDVDWD ]^`gduDWD]`gduD$ 4$7$8$H$]^a$gdNa$a$   ( * , . 6 8 < > D F N P R T V ` ɴ|i|TH5%hh B*OJQJ^JaJphh8TOJQJ^JaJ(hXYh B*OJQJ\^JaJph%hXYh B*OJQJ^JaJph%hXYh B*OJQJ^JaJphh 5OJQJ^JaJh OJQJ^JaJh OJQJ^JaJ(hNIh 5B*OJQJ^JaJph%hNIh B*OJQJ^JaJph%hNIh B*OJQJ^JaJphhyh 5OJQJ^JaJ     8 B D F H R T ^ j ʻʻʈxʻʻk_ʻʻ_Oh`h 5OJQJ^JaJh8TOJQJ^JaJhq?OJQJ^JaJo(h`h OJQJ\^JaJh`h OJQJ^JaJo(h`h OJQJ^JaJo(%h`h 5OJQJ\^JaJo(h`h OJQJ^JaJh`h OJQJ^JaJ%hXYh B*OJQJ^JaJph%hXYh B*OJQJ^JaJph T l  < > *~ $$Ifa$ VDWD^` $. ].^ a$ $.].^a$$.].a$VDWD]^` ]^VDWD]^`j l         : < > F H \ ^ r t *x~v$h 5CJOJPJQJ\^JaJh CJOJPJQJ^JaJh CJOJQJ^JaJh CJOJQJ^JaJh OJQJaJo(h OJQJaJh 5OJQJ\^JaJh OJQJ^JaJh OJQJ^JaJh`h OJQJ^JaJ. 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If any discrepancies are found by the Bureau regarding the specifications or the quantity/weight or both, except those for which either the insurance company or the shipping company is responsible, the Buyers shall, within 90 days after discharges of the goods at the port of destination, have the right either to reject the goods or to claim against the Sellers on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the Bureau. (W,gT T,{12agĉ[vOgQ,YSs'irv(ϑT/bĉk LATE DELIVERY AND PENALTY: VSe>gNN'irv dN:N NSbbNEeY,VSekߏN'N)Y cT TNv0.5%TpNe/eN>gTP9 N>gTP9v/eNv^ NMQdVSe[ENNT TYvINR0YgVSe(WT Tĉ[vN'eT25)YQN*gNNb*ghQ螢NNT TY (W NYxpNevQNeQeKbkv`Q N pNe gCgfNbwVSehQbR~bkT T FOVSeN^TpNe4NN Nĉ[KNZ>k, N_cYbߏ^0. In case of delayed delivery, except for force majeure cases, the Sellers shall pay to the Buyers for every day of delay a penalty amounting to 0.5% of the total value of the goods whose delivery has been delayed. In case the period of delay exceeds 25 days after the stipulated delivery date the Buyers have the right to terminate the Contract but the Sellers shall not thereby be exempted from the payment of penalty. (17) N ARBITRATION Q gsQ,gT TbgbL,gT T SuvNRNgb ^ǏS}YOSFU㉳Q Y N㉳Q,R^3u-NVVE~Nm8fNYXTO cgqNYXTOĉ[vN z^(WSNۏLN,NYXTO\OQvQ/fg~v,pNVSSeGW^SvQ~_g,NUONe N_TlbbvQN:gsQ3uSf.N9(u1u%ɋNeb.N_NS(WSe Tav,{ NVۏL. All dispute connection with the Contract or execution thereof shall be settled through friendly negotiations. In case no settlement can be reached, the case may then be submitted for arbitration to the China International Economic Trade Arbitration Committee in accordance with the Rules of Procedure promulgated by the said Arbitration Committee .The Arbitration shall take place in Beijing and the decision of the Arbitration Committee shall be final and binding upon both parties; neither party shall seek recourse to a law court nor other authorities to appeal for the decision. The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing part . The Arbitration may be settled in the third country mutually agreed upon by both parties. (18) D l REMARKS: ,gT T-NeSe$NyeW[fNQ,$NyeW[wQ g TI{HeR. This contract is made out in Chinese and English, both versions being equal authentic. ,gT TN_mQN,VSegbNN pNeNN. This Contract is made out in Six original copies, one copy to be held by Seller, and Buyer hold five. (19) yr+Rag>k SPECIAL TERMS: T TYnUS0b/gOSnUS:N,gT TteSO NSRrRvR v^GW^1ug~(u7bnx. The attachment form integral parts of this contract, and both attachment should be confirmed by the end user. (20) "}Tag>k Claim clause: YVSe NcO'irb N c,gT T~[cO'ir g~(u7bVEz-N_ gCgvcTpNe"}ThQ_c1Y SbFO NPN]/eN'>k0)Ro`0[~bfN'irXRv9(u0_^9SvQN~Cg9(uI{0 If the Seller fails to provide the goods or fails to provide the goods as agreed herein, the end user International Center for Bamboo and Rattan shall have the right to directly claim for all the losses from the Buyer, including but not limited to the payment for goods already paid, interest, additional costs for finding replacement goods, attorney's fees and other rights protection fees. 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