
來源:本站原創 發布時間:2022年03月21日 瀏覽次數:




1. 國家重點研發計劃項目“竹藤生物質形成的遺傳調控機製”;

2. 國家自然科學基金“竹筍速生期水通道蛋白調控水分運輸的分子機製”。


[1] Li Y, Zhang DQ, Zhang SQ, Lou YF, An XM, Gao ZM*. Transcriptome and miRNAome reveal components regulating primary thickening of bamboo shoots. Plant Physiology, 2022, 188(4): 2182-2198. (IF=8.005)

[2] Yang KB, Zhu CL, Zhang JB, Li Z, Yuan TT, Song XZ, Gao ZM*. Nitrogen fertilization in bamboo forest accelerates the shoot growth and alters the lignification process in shoots, Industrial Crops and Products, 2022, 187, Part A, 115368. (IF=6.449)

[3] Yuan TT, Zhu CL, Li GZ, Yang KB, Li Z, Song XZ, Gao ZM*. An integrated regulatory network of mRNAs, microRNAs, and lncRNAs involved in nitrogen metabolism of moso bamboo, Frontiers in Genetics, 2022, 13: 854346. (IF=4.772)

[4] Zhao H, Sun S, Ding Y, Wang Y, Yue X, Du X, Wei Q, Fan G, Sun H, Lou Y, Yang H, Wang J, Xu X, Li L, Yang K, Xu H, Wang J, Zhu C, Wang S, Shan X, Hou Y, Wang Y, Fei B, Liu X*, Jiang Z*, Gao ZM*. Analysis of 427 genomes reveals moso bamboo population structure and the genetic basis of property traits. Nature Communications, 2021,12(1):5466. (IF=14.919)

[5] Yang KB, Li L, Lou YF, Zhu CL, Li X, Gao ZM*. A regulatory network driving shoot lignification in rapidly growing bamboo. Plant Physiology, 2021, 187(2):900-916. (IF=8.340)

[6] Sun HY, Wang SN, Lou YF, Zhu CL, Zhao HS, Li Y, Li XP, Gao ZM*. A bamboo leaf-specific gene PePIP2;7 is involved in abiotic stress response. Plant Cell Reports, 2021, 40(7):1101-1114. (IF=4.570)

[7] Zhu CL, Yang KB, Li GZ, Li Y, Gao ZM*. Identification and expression analyses of invertase genes in moso bamboo reveal their potential drought stress functions. Frontiers in Genetics, 2021, 12:696300. (IF=4.599)

[8] Li Z, Yang KB, Zhu CL, Wang XY, Yuan TT, Wang JL, Li Y, Gao ZM*. Identification and expression analysis of glycosyltransferase 43 family in bamboo reveal their potential function involved in xylan biosynthesis. BMC Genomics, 2021, 22:867. (IF=3.696)

[9] 朱成磊,楊克彬,徐秀榮,馬霜, 李曉佩,高誌民*. 毛竹NIP基因的分子特征及其應答脅迫的表達模式. 林業科學,2021, 57(1): 64-76.

李真,袁婷婷,朱成磊,楊克彬,宋新章,高誌民*. 毛竹銨態氮轉運蛋白分子特征及基因表達模式分析. 林業科學,2021, 57(7): 70-79.