國際竹藤中心三亞研究基地熱帶森林植物研究所副所長, 海南三亞竹藤伴生林生態係統定位觀測研究站站長,國際竹藤中心竹林生態站技術總負責人。2010年中國林業科學研究院獲生態學博士學位。2010-2013年中國林科院助理研究員,2013-2016年在加拿大Memorial University of Newfoundland自然資源與可持續發展係從事博士後研究。2016年6月入選原國家林業局海外高端人才引進計劃領軍人才。2018年加拿大University of Alberta可再生資源係、McGill University自然資源係Visiting Professor。兼任國際林聯(IUFRO)第八學部副協調員、森林土壤與水相互作用特別委員會委員、中國生態學學會理事、中國林學會森林生態分會常務理事、Forest Ecosystems、CABI Agriculture and Bioscience編委、Soil Biology & Biochemistry客座編委。
先後主持國家自然科學基金項目3項,十三五重點研發計劃子課題2項,十四五重點研發計劃子課題2項,人社部留學人員創新支持子項目(重點)1項,“赤子計劃”項目1項等。近年來發表論文60餘篇,授權專利2項,參編專著3部, 參與製定行業標準3項。
[1]Wang, S., Luan, J.*, Li, S., Ma, J., Chen, L., Wang, Y. et al. (2024). Litter quality and decomposer complexity co-drive effect of drought on decomposition. Forest Ecosystems, 11, 100194.
[2]Pan, J., See, C.R., Wang, R., Luan, J., Wang, J., Liu, F. et al. (2024). Decoupling of nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon release from fine and coarse roots during 7 years of decomposition. Journal of Ecology, 112, 348-359.
[3]Smith, M.D., Wilkins, K.D., Holdrege, M.C., Wilfahrt, P., Collins, S.L., Knapp, A.K. et al. (2024). Extreme drought impacts have been underestimated in grasslands and shrublands globally. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 121, e2309881120.
[4]Junwei Luan*, Siyu Li, Shirong Liu*, Yi Wang, Liping Ding, Haibo Lu, Lin Chen, Junhui Zhang, Wenjun Zhou, Shijie Han, Yiping Zhang, Stephan Hättenschwiler. Biodiversity mitigates drought effects in the decomposer system across biomes, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2313334121
[5]J. Luan*, S. Li, Y. Wang, L. Ding, C. Cai, S. Liu*, Decomposition of diverse litter mixtures affected by drought depends on nitrogen and soil fauna in a bamboo forest, Soil Biology and Biochemistry 173, 108783 (2022)
[6]J. Luan, S. Liu, A. Schindlbacher, C. Prescott, A. Stokes, J. Whalen, Plant-soil interactions in forests: Effects of management, disturbance and climate. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 108642 (2022).
[7]Li, S., Xie, D., Ge, X., Dong, W. & Luan, J*. (2022). Altered diversity and functioning of soil and root-associated microbiomes by an invasive native plant. Plant and Soil, 2022, 473(1): 235-249.
[8]Zhai, W., Wang, Y., Luan, J*. & Liu, S*. (2021). Effects of nitrogen addition on clonal integration between mother and daughter ramets of Moso bamboo: a 13C-CO2 pulse labeling study. Journal of Plant Ecology, rtab115.
[9]Luan, J.*, Li, S., Dong, W., Liu Y., Wang, Y., Liu, S.*, (2021). Litter decomposition affected by bamboo expansion is modulated by litter‐mixing and microbial composition. Functional Ecology 35(11): 2562-2574.
[10]Luan, J.*, Liu, S.*, Li, S., Whalen, J.K., Wang, Y., Wang, J. et al. (2021). Functional diversity of decomposers modulates litter decomposition affected by plant invasion along a climate gradient. Journal of Ecology, 109, 1236-1249.
[11]Luan, J., J. Wu, S. Liu, N. Roulet, and M. Wang. 2019. Soil nitrogen determines greenhouse gas emissions from northern peatlands under concurrent warming and vegetation shifting. Communications Biology 2:132.
[12]Luan, J., S. Liu, J. Wu, M. Wang, and Z. Yu. 2018. The transient shift of driving environmental factors of carbon dioxide and methane fluxes in Tibetan peatlands before and after hydrological restoration. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 250-251:138-146.
[13]Luan, J., S. Liu, J. Wang, S. X. Chang, X. Liu, H. Lu, and Y. Wang. 2018. Tree species diversity promotes soil carbon stability by depressing the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration in temperate forests. Science of The Total Environment 645:623-629.
[14]Luan, J., and J. Wu. 2015. Long-term agricultural drainage stimulates CH4 emissions from ditches through increased substrate availability in a boreal peatland. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 214:68-77.
[15]Luan, J., and J. Wu. 2014. Gross photosynthesis explains the ‘artificial bias’ of methane fluxes by static chamber (opaque versus transparent) at the hummocks in a boreal peatland. Environmental Research Letters 9:105005.
[16]Luan, J., S. Liu, S. X. Chang, J. Wang, X. Zhu, K. Liu, and J. Wu. 2014. Different effects of warming and cooling on the decomposition of soil organic matter in warm–temperate oak forests: a reciprocal translocation experiment. Biogeochemistry 121:551-564.
[17]Luan, J., S. Liu, X. Zhu, J. Wang, and K. Liu. 2012. Roles of biotic and abiotic variables in determining spatial variation of soil respiration in secondary oak and planted pine forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 44:143-150.
[18]Luan, J., S. Liu, J. Wang, X. Zhu, and Z. Shi. 2011. Rhizospheric and heterotrophic respiration of a warm-temperate oak chronosequence in China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43:503-512.
[19]Luan, J., S. Liu, X. Zhu, and J. Wang. 2011. Soil carbon stocks and fluxes in a warm-temperate oak chronosequence in China. Plant and Soil 347:243-253.
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