
來源:研究生部 發布時間:2023年10月18日 瀏覽次數:


長期以來致力於生物質(竹材、木材、纖維素、甲殼素)納米材料製備和功能化的研究,主要從事竹/木基納米纖維素綠色高效製備、納米纖維素表麵功能化改性及其增強複合材料等方麵研究。共發表論文50餘篇,英文編著Food Preservation, Series: Nanotechnology in the Agri-Food industry 其中1章節。



(2) 國際竹藤中心基本科研業務費 3項, “竹基納米纖維素高濃製備技術研究”、“竹微納米纖維素脫水幹燥過程結構與特性變化機製研究”和 “竹基納米纖維素點擊功能化及其在高分子基體中應用”,主持,在研。


Wang, J., Zhang, Y., Wang, H., & Zhong, T.* High-consistency mechano-enzymatic fibrillation of bamboo pulp fibers to produce precursors for highly fibrillated cellulose and dense films with multifunctionalities. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2023, 11(32), 11924~11933.

龍娟,李宇展,李誌強,鍾土華*. 納米纖維素的點擊反應反應及應用研究進展. 材料導報,2024,38(17):23050159.

Wang, J., Xu, H., Zhang, Y., Dai, F., Wang, Z., Wang, H., & Zhong, T.* Morphology, structure and property of high consistency mechano-enzymatic fibrillated cellulose: Effect of treatment consistency of bamboo pulp fibers.Industrial Crops and products, 2022, 188, 115731.

Zhong, T., & Wang, J. Developing highly transparent yet ultraviolet blocking fully biocomposite films based on chitin and lignin using ethanol/water as processing solvents. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 201, 308~317.

Zhong, T., Jian, G., Chen, Z., Wolcott, M., Nassiri, S., & Fernandez, C. A. Interfacial interactions and reinforcing mechanisms of cellulose and chitin nanomaterials and starch derivatives for cement and concrete strength and durability enhancement: A review. Nanotechnology Reviews, 2022, 11(1),2673~2713.

Zhong, T., Wolcott, M. P., Liu, H., & Wang, J. Acidic ethanol/water casting approach to improve chitin nanofibril dispersion and properties of propionylated chitin biocomposites. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9(8), 3289~3299.

Zhong, T., Liu, W., & Liu, H. Green electrospinning of chitin propionate to manufacture nanofiber mats.Carbohydrate Polymers, 2021, 273, 118593.

Zhong, T., Dhandapani, R., Liang, D., Wang, J., Wolcott, M. P., Van Fossen, D., & Liu, H. Nanocellulose from recycled indigo-dyed denim fabric and its application in composite films.Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 240, 116283.

Zhong, T., Wolcott, M. P., Liu, H., & Wang, J. Propionylation-modified chitin with improved solubility in green ethanol/water binary solvents for sustainable film and coating applications.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 250, 119458.

Zhong, T., Wolcott, M. P., Liu, H., Glandon, N., & Wang, J. (2020). The influence of pre-fibrillation via planetary ball milling on the extraction and properties of chitin nanofibers. Cellulose 2020, 27, 6205~6216.

Zhong, T., Wolcott, M. P., Liu, H., & Wang, J. Developing chitin nanocrystals for flexible packaging coatings. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2019, 226, 115276.

Zhong, T.,Oporto, G. S.& Jazynski. J. Antimicrobial food packaging with cellulose-copper nanoparticles embedded in thermoplastic resins. In:Volume 6. Food Preservation, Series: Nanotechnology in the Agri-Food industry (Volumes 1-10), edited by Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Ed. Elsevier Inc, London, United Kingdom, 2017, Chapter 19: 671~699.