
來源:研究生部 發布時間:2023年10月18日 瀏覽次數:


2006年以來一直致力於細胞壁結構與力學的研究,創新了竹纖維多尺度力學性能精準測試技術,解決了竹、木材等天然生物質材料的細胞壁力學性能微納尺度解析及其表征的國際性科學難題,實現了竹、木材等天然實體胞狀材料的無包埋納米壓痕樣品製備及其表征,為竹纖維在植物纖維複合材料的應用提供了細胞壁尺度的科學理論及技術支撐,完成了“植物細胞壁力學表征技術體係構建及應用”成果,並獲2019年國家科技進步二等獎。先後主持國家自然科學基金項目等6項,以第1和通訊作者發表論文22篇,授權國家發明專利和軟件著作權3件;參與出版《Wood Properties of the Global Important Tree Species》、《木材細胞壁力學性能表征技術及應用》等專著6部;作為主要完成人製訂國家標準1項,行業標準1項;作為主要完成人獲得國家林業局科技鑒定成果2項;獲國家科技進步獎二等獎1項(排名第6),梁希林業科學技術獎一等獎1項(排名第6),梁希科普獎一等獎1項(排名第3),梁希林業科學技術獎二等獎2項(排名第8,第9)。


[1] Fukuan Dai, Ziwei Wang, Genlin Tian*. Vascular bundle characteristics and mechanical properties of Dendrocalamus sinicus. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 363: 129858.

[2] Ziwei Wang, Fukuan Dai, Genlin Tian*. Identification and Recognization of Bamboo Based on Cross-sectional Images Using Computer Vision. Wood and Fiber Science, 2023, 55(1): 43-52.

[3] Linpeng Yu, Fukuan Dai, Genlin Tian*. Fiber Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of Oxytenanthera abyssinica. Plants, 2023, 12(16): 2987.

[4] Fukuan Dai, Ziwei Wang, Genlin Tian*. Variability in the mechanical properties of cell walls of Bambusa arundinacea (Retz.) Willd. based on nanoindentation method. BioResources, 2023, 18(3): 5283-5291.

[5] Fukuan Dai, Ziwei Wang, Genlin Tian*. Study of the Climbing Behavior of the Flagella of Calamus Simplicifolius Based on Micro-CT and Nanoindentation. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2022, 19(6): 1790-1796.

[6] Ziwei Wang, Xianghua Yue, Genlin Tian*. Research on the structure and connections of pits in different cells of moso bamboo (phyllostachys pubescens). Wood Research, 2022, 67(5):708-717.

[7] Kun Wang, Xinge Liu, Genlin Tian *. The deposition of carbohydrates and lignin in the cell walls of Calamus simplicifolius during development. Wood Science and Technology, 2021,55:1765-1779.

[8] Yang Xi, Wang Kun, Tian Genlin*. Evaluation of chemical treatments to tensile properties of cellulosic bamboo fibers. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 2018,76(4): 1303-1310.

[9] Yang Xi, Shang Lili, Tian Genlin*. Changes in Bamboo Fiber Subjected to Different Chemical Treatments and Freeze-drying as Measured by Nanoindentation. Journal of Wood Science, 2017,63(1):24-30.

[10] 田根林, 餘雁*, 張求慧. 竹基SiC/C生物陶瓷的製備和性能. 林業科學, 2012, 48(1):138-142.