


來源:本站原創 作者:研究生部 發布時間:2022年03月21日 閱讀: 字體:【】 【





2009年中國林業科學研究院森林培育專業畢業,獲得博士學位。國際竹藤中心竹藤資源與環境研究所副所長,國家林業和草原局林草科技創新領軍人才、全國林草科技創新人才計劃創新團隊“竹藤資源高效培育理論與技術” 帶頭人,雲南滇南竹林生態係統定位觀測站站長。






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[4] 國際竹藤中心基本業務專項項目“竹毛竹林植被-土壤互作關係與調控”(1632023002)。


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[2] Shihui Zheng, Songpo Wei, Jiarui Li, Jingsheng Wang, Ziyun Deng, Rui Gu, Shaohui Fan,Guanglu Liu*. The Phenotypic Variation in Moso Bamboo and the Selection of Key Traits. Plants (Basel), 2024( 13):1625.

[3] Jingxin Shen, Shaohui Fan, Jiapeng Zhang,Guanglu Liu*. Stoichiometric Homeostasis of N and P in the Leaves of Different-Aged Phyllostachys edulis after Bamboo Forest Expansion in Subtropical China. Forests, 2024(15):1181.

[4] Ruijing Xu, Quan Qiu, Junqing Nong, Shaohui Fan,Guanglu Liu *. Seasonal Patterns and Species Variability in the Leaf Traits of Dominant Plants in the Tropical Rainforests of Hainan Island, China. Forests, 2023, 14:522.

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