


來源:孫豐波 作者:張紀元 發布時間:2023年10月18日 閱讀: 字體:【】 【




1. “十四五”國家重點研發計劃課題任務“圓竹規格材製造關鍵技術”(2022YFD220090207)

2. 國家自然基金重點項目“弧形竹材原態層積機製及物理力學基礎”(32230072)

3. 國際竹藤中心基本科研業務費“竹材倉儲關鍵技術研究”(1632021007)

4. 國際竹藤中心基本科研業務費“大跨度圓竹拱形結構生態溫室模塊化組裝與示範”(1632021010)

5. 國際竹藤中心基本科研業務費“圓竹材功能化改性及防護技術研究”(1632022002)


[1] Huang Bin, Jia Hao, Fei Benhuai, Lin Chen, Changhua Fang, Huanrong Liu, Xiubiao Zhang, Xinxin Ma, Fengbo Sun*. Study on the correlation between the puncture impact performance of arc-shaped bamboo splits and bamboo ages.Industrial Crops and Products,2022, 186, 115252.

[2]Lin Chen, Jing Yuan, Xianke Wang, Bin Huang, Xinxin Ma, Changhua Fang, Xiubiao Zhang, Fengbo Sun*, Benhua Fei*. Effect of bamboo pith ring on the stability of the gluing interface.Industrial Crops and Products,2022,187, 115361.

[3]Jia Hao, Chen Lei, Fang Changhua, Liu Huanrong, Ma Xinxin, Zhang Xiubiao, Fei Benhua*, Sun Fengbo*. Visual evaluation of warehousing humidity and time on bamboo performance[J]. Industrial Crops and Products, 2023, 194: 116334.

[4]Xuehua Wang,Mingxin Cao,Jingwen Ma,Junjie Zhu,Caiping Lian,Benhua Fei,Wei XuandFengbo Sun *.Evaluation of the mechanical properties of different parts of bending bamboo culm by nanointendation.Holzforschung, https://doi.org/10.1515/hf-2022-0088

[5]Yu Zixuan, Zhang Xiaofeng, Zhang Rong, Yan Yu and Fengbo Sun *. Improving the mould and blue-stain-resistance of bamboo through Acidic Hydrolysis.Polymers,2022,14(2), 244.

[6]XuehuaWang1, Jingwen Ma , Wei Xu, Benhua Fei, Caiping Lian * ,Fengbo Sun*. Effect of bending on radial distribution density, MFA and MOE of bent bamboo.Scientific Reports,2022, 12(1), 1-12.

[7]Rumin Ma , Yuhe Chen , Zaixing Wu , Minzhen Bao , Zizhang Xiao , Fengbo Sun* ,Jingpeng Li *. Nanostructured WO3· xH2O deposition effects on the antimicrobial activities of nano TiO2-coated bamboo.Vacuum,2022,204, 111397.

[8]Chen, L.; Yu, Z.; Fei, B.; Lin, C.; Fang, C.; Liu, H.; Ma, X.; Zhang, X.; Sun, F*. Study on performance and structural design of bamboo helmet.Forests,2022,13(7), 1091.

[9]Hao Jia, Benhua Fei, Changhua Fang, Huanrong Liu, Xiubiao Zhang, Xinxin Ma, Fengbo Sun*. Research on the bending impact resistance and transverse fracture characteristics of bamboo under the action of falling weight.Journal of Renewable Materials,2022,11(1), 473-490.

[10]Tong Tang *, Benhua Fei , Wei Song , Na Su , Fengbo Sun *. Tung oil thermal treatment improves the visual effects of moso bamboo materials.Polymers, 2022, 14(6), 1250.

[11]孫豐波, 費本華, 江澤慧, 等.γ 射線輻照處理竹材的動態黏彈性與溫度變化的關係[J].林業科學,2012,48(3):160-163

[12]孫豐波, 江澤慧, 費本華,等. 射線輻照對竹材防黴性能的影響[J].木材工業, 2011, 25(3):23-25

[13]孫豐波, 陳複明, 陳林碧,等. 三種典型竹質工程材料縱向彈性模量評價[J].世界林業研究,2019,(5), 52-56.


[15]孫豐波, 費本華, 覃道春, 等. 建築用圓竹拱形規格材研究展望[J]. 竹子學報, 2022, 41(2): 1-6.