


來源:研究生部 作者:張紀元 發布時間:2022年03月21日 閱讀: 字體:【】 【

方長華,男,漢族,博士,研究員,博士生導師。2003年獲得法國政府博士生獎學金,2007年獲得法國蒙彼利埃大學複合材料及結構和係統力學專業博士學位。2007年赴加拿大拉瓦爾大學木材研究中心先後從事博士後和Research Associate工作。2016年9月作為國家林業和草原局高端人才引進計劃領軍人才回國進入國際竹藤中心工作。兼任國際國際標準化組織竹藤技術委員會(ISO/TC 296)經理,國際林業研究組織聯盟(IUFRO)第五學部竹藤工作組組長,國際標準化組織木竹結構技術委員會(ISO/TC165)委員,兼國際竹藤中心和加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞大學(UBC)聯合共建竹藤科學與技術實驗室中方主任,《Forests》期刊客座編輯。多次組織並主持國際林聯(IUFRO)大會竹藤分會等國際學術會議。

主要從事生物質材料(竹、木)特性及改性、加工利用方麵的研究。參與過法國和加拿大多項科研項目,先後主持加拿大MITACS-Accelerate資助項目、國家自然基金麵上項目、人社部高層次留學回國人才資助項目、十四五國家重點研發計劃課題、國家標準外文版製修訂項目、國際竹藤中心海外歸國人才項目等,主持製定國際標準1件、國家標準1件,參編國際標準10項。授權發明專利6件,共發表文章100餘篇,中SCI收錄文章60餘篇,截至目前共被引近2000次,h指數達24,其中單篇最高被引用240餘次,並被Nature、Nature Reviews Materials、Advanced Materials等國際頂級期刊多次引用。成果榮獲第十三屆梁希科學技術獎一等獎1次。







國際ISO標準項目“Bamboo drinking straws”




Google Scholar 個人主頁:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=EUfL8aIAAAAJ&hl=en


[1]. B Huang, L Chen, X Wang, X Ma, H Liu, X Zhang, F Sun, B Fei, C Fang*, Eco-friendly, high-utilization, and easy-manufacturing bamboo units for engineered bamboo products: Processing and mechanical characterization, Composites Part B: Engineering, 2023, 267, 111073

[2]. Y Luan, L Liu, Y Ma, Y Yang, M Jiang, K Semple, C Dai, B Fei, C Fang*, An integrated hydrothermal process of bamboo flattening, densification and drying: Mechanical properties and strengthening mechanisms, Materials & Design, 2023, 226, 111610

[3]. Y Luan, B Huang, L Chen, X Wang, Y Ma, M Yin, Y Song, H Liu, X Ma, X Zhang, F Sun, C Fang*, B Fei, High-performance, low-cost, chemical-free, and reusable bamboo drinking straw: An all-natural substitute for plastic straws, Industrial Crops and Products, 2023, 200, 116829

[4]. Y Luan, Y Yang, L Chen, Y Ma, M Jiang, B Fei, H Liu, X Ma, X Zhang, F Sun, C Fang*, Effects of integrated process of flattening and densification on the gradient structure and properties of Moso Bamboo, Construction and Building Materials, 2023,392, 132073

[5]. L Liu, Y Luan, C Fang*, J Hu, S Chang, B Fei, Structural Characteristics of Reaction Tissue in Plants, Plants, 2023, 12 (8), 1705

[6]. Y Luan, YF Ma, LT Liu, BH Fei, CH Fang*, A novel bamboo engineering material with uniform density, high strength, and high utilization rate, Industrial Crops and Products, 2022, 184, 115045

[7]. ZZ Li, Y Luan, JB Hu, CH Fang*, LT Liu, YF Ma, Y Liu, BH Fei, Bamboo heat treatments and their effects on bamboo properties, Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 331, 127320

[8]. Y Luan, CH Fang*, YF Ma, BH Fei, Wood mechanical densification: a review on processing, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2022, 37 (4), 359-371

[9]. Y Sun, J Gong, H Liu, C Fang*, Axial Compression Behaviors of Columns Fabricated from Bamboo Oriented Strand Boards, Forests, 2022, 13 (11), 1817

[10]. N Su, H Zhou, T Tang, S Zhang, Z Yu, C Fang*, B Fei, Penetration and distribution of rosin along the longitudinal axis of round bamboo culm, Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 305, 124781

[11]. Q Chen, G Wang, XX Ma, ML Chen, CH Fang*, BH Fei, The effect of graded fibrous structure of bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) on its water vapor sorption isotherms, Industrial Crops and Products, 2020, 151, 112467

[12]. Q Chen, P Wei, T Tang, C Fang*, B Fei, Quantitative Visualization of Weak Layers in Bamboo at the Cellular and Subcellular Levels, ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2020, 3 (10), 7087-7094

[13]. HF Lv, XX Ma, B Zhang, XF Chen, XM Liu, CH Fang*, BH Fei, Microwave-vacuum drying of round bamboo: a study of the physical properties, Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 211, 44-51

[14]. LS Chen, BH Fei, XX Ma, JP Lu, CH Fang*, Effects of hygrothermal environment in cooling towers on the chemical composition of bamboo grid packing, Forests, 2019, 10 (3), 274

[15]. Y Sun, Z Jiang, H Liu, Z Sun, C Fang*, The bending properties of bamboo strand board I-beams, Journal of Wood Science, 2019, 65 (1), 1-10

[16]. CH Fang, A Cloutier, ZH Jiang, JZ He, BH Fei, Improvement of wood densification process via enhancing steam diffusion, distribution, and evaporation, BioResources, 2019, 14 (2), 3278-3288

[17]. LS Chen, BH Fei, XX Ma, JP Lu, CH Fang*, Investigation of Bamboo Grid Packing Properties Used in Cooling Tower, Forests, 2018, 9 (12), 762

[18]. H Lv, M Chen, X Ma, J Li, B Zhang, C Fang *, B Fei, Effects of Different Drying Methods on Bamboo's Physical and Mechanical Properties, Forest Products Journal, 2018, 68 (4), 445-451

[19]. CH Fang, ZH Jiang, ZJ Sun, HR Liu, XB Zhang, R Zhang, BH Fei, An overview on bamboo culm flattening, Construction and Building Materials, 2018,171, 65-74

[20]. 李召召,劉禮童,方長華*等. 過熱蒸汽處理對竹展平板的翹曲度及顏色的影響. 中南林業科技大學學報,2022 42(12)