


來源:本站原創 作者:佚名 發布時間:2018年02月26日 閱讀: 字體:【】 【


  劉誌佳,男,漢族,1979年12月生。現任國際竹藤中心綠色經濟研究所副所長,研究員,碩士生導師。2004年畢業於東北林業大學材料科學與工程學院木材科學與技術專業,獲學士學位。2004年-2007年,在北京林業大學材料科學與技術學院攻讀木材科學與技術專業研究生,獲工學碩士學位。2007年- 2010年,在中國林業科學研究院攻讀木材科學與技術專業研究生,獲工學博士學位。2010年-2012年在國際竹藤中心做博士後,主要從事竹(木)材加工剩餘物能源化利用技術研究。2012年7月,留在國際竹藤中心工作。工作期間,先後到美國農業部林產品實驗室(2011年7月-2012年1月)和西弗吉尼亞大學(2017年4月-10月)做訪問學者,並獲得“國際合作科研貢獻獎”。兼任中國竹產業協會副秘書長、中國生態文化協會副秘書長和中國林學會竹藤資源利用分會副秘書長。



1. “十三五”國家重點研發計劃-竹材加工剩餘物能源化利用技術研究。

2. “十三五”國家重點研發計劃-氮摻雜竹活性炭纖維/石墨烯複合電極材料製備關鍵技術。

3. 國際竹藤中心基本科研業務經費-竹質焙燒炭/煤高效混合燃燒技術研究。

4. 林業行業標準-竹材生物質固體燃料堆積密度測試方法。


1.Liang Fang, Wang Ruijuan, Jiang Changle, Yang Xiaomeng, Zhang Tao, Hu Wanhe, Mi Bingbing, Liu Zhijia*. Investigating co-combustion characteristics of bamboo and wood. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 243: 556-565.

2.Hu Wanhe, Yang Xiaomeng, Mi Bingbing, Liang Fang, Zhang Tao, Jiang Zehui, Fei Benhua, Liu Zhijia*. Investigating chemical properties and combustion characteristics of torrefied masson pine. Wood and Fiber Science, 2017, 49(1): 33-42.

3.Hu Wanhe, Yang Xiaomeng, Mi Bingbing, Liang Fang, Zhang Tao, Liu Zhijia*. Investigating gaseous carbon, nitrogen and sulfur compounds of bamboo, wood and coal during pyrolysis process. Wood and Fiber Science, 2017, 49(3): 269-276.

4.Mi Bingbing, Yang Xiaomeng, Liang Fang, Zhang Tao, Hu Wanhe, Liu Zhijia*. Investigating synergistic interaction of bamboo and torrefied bamboo with coal during co-combustion. Wood and Fiber Science, 2017, 49(3): 249-259.

5.Mi Bingbing, Liu Zhijia*, Hu Wanhe, Wei Penglian, Jiang Zehui, Fei Benhua. Investigating pyrolysis and combustion characteristics of torrefied bamboo, torrefied wood and their blends. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 209: 50-55.

6.Liu Zhijia, Fei Benhua, Jiang Zehui, Liu Xinge. Combustion characteristics of bamboo-biochars. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 167: 94-99.

7.Liu Zhijia, Mi Bingbing, Jiang Zehui, Fei Benhua, Cai Zhiyong, Liu Xinge. Improved bulk density of bamboo pellets as biomass for energy production. Renewable Energy, 2016, 86: 1-7.

8.Liu Zhijia, Hu Wanhe, Jiang Zehui, Mi Bingbing, Fei Benhua. Investigating combustion behaviors of bamboo, torrefied bamboo, coal and their respective blends by thermogravimetric analysis. Renewable Energy, 2016, 87: 346-352.

9.Liu Zhijia, Mi Bingbing, Wei Penglian, Jiang Zehui, Fei Benhua, Liu Xinge. Combustion characteristics of moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens). European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 2016, 74(2): 255-259.

10.Liu Zhijia, Fei Benhua, Jiang Zehui, Cai Zhiyong, Liu Xinge. Important properties of bamboo pellets to be used as commercial solid fuel in China. Wood Science and Technology, 2014, 48: 903-917.

11.Liu Zhijia, Jiang Zehui, Fei Benhua, Cai Zhiyong, Liu Xinge. Comparative properties of bamboo and pine pellets. Wood and Fiber Science, 2014, 46: 1-9.

12.Liu Zhijia, Liu Xinge, Fei Benhua, Jiang Zehui, Cai Zhiyong, Yu Yan. The properties of pellets from mixing bamboo and rice straw. Renewable Energy, 2013, 55: 1-5.

13.Liu Zhijia, Fei Benhua, Jiang Zehui, Cai Zhiyong, Yu Yan, Liu Xinge. A Comparative Study of Thermal Properties of Sinocalamus Affinis and Moso Bamboo. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,2013, 111: 393-399.

14.Liu Zhijia, Jiang Zehui, Fei Benhua, Liu Xinge. Thermal decomposition characteristics of Chinese fir. BioResoures, 2013, 8: 5014-5024.

15.Liu Zhijia, Jiang Zehui, Cai Zhiyong, Fei Benhua, Yu Yan, Liu Xinge. Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis of Moso Bamboo (Phyllostachysheterocycla) at Different Moisture Content. BioResource, 2012, 7: 1548-1557.