1. Yoon Soo Kim, Benhua Fei, Zhimin Gao, Jin Wang, Zhijia Liu. Chapter 14-Biological, Anatomical, and Chemical Characteristics of Bamboo, In Secondary Xylem Biology, edited by Yoon Soo Kim, Ryo Funada and Adya P. Singh. Boston: Academic Press. 2016, 283-306. ISBN 978-0-12-802185-9.
2. Ge Wang, Fuming Chen. Advanced High-strength Natural Fibre Composites in Construction. Brunel University London. 2016.10. ISBN 978-0-85709-524-4.
3. Jie Dong, Shaohui Fan, Fengying Guan, et al. Technical Manual on Bamboo Cultivation and Management. China Forestry Publishing House.2016.8. ISBN 978-7-5038-8248-7.
4. 高永, 虞毅等.采煤區土壤治理與修複.科學出版社. 2016.2. ISBN 978-7-03-045664-9.
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